
All Alone in the Office? Take This Quiz

Alternative vaccination points, the curious case of improved sales forecasts and an overlooked stock-price predictor

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Using 58,000 pharmacies for COVID-19 vaccine injections rapidly increased protection against the virus. Millions of Americans, however, live far from a pharmacy, so researchers proposed also using:

Grain elevators.
Dollar stores.
Truck stops.

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Go figure: Despite antitrust laws that prohibit competitors from sharing price and other key data, participating in industry standard setting organizations leads to improved sales forecasting.

The more deeply involved in an SSO, the more improved the company forecast.
The more volatile a company’s sales, the more it benefits from SSO involvement.
Networking with one’s direct competitor yields stronger benefits.
All of the above.

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In their endless quest for esoteric signals of stock performance, analysts may have overlooked which prosaic data point?

Trademark filings by companies.
Unused CEO vacation time.
Corporate headquarters proximity to drinking establishments.

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Soaring used car prices — a result of a shortage of new cars — mightn’t be quite the boon to dealer profits you’d expect. Why?

Visibly higher car values lead some to sell their cars privately, rather than trade in to dealers
Lenders, expecting used prices to revert to norms once the new car shortage abates, are reluctant to lend at elevated prices
Both are correct.

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Academics love to see their research cited, a sign of their work’s influence, but investors trying to employ researchers’ stock market observations might prefer research go unnoticed. Why?

It’s more fun to brag about an obscure study.
Only one hedge at a time is allowed to use academic research.
As predictive variables become well known by investors, they lose their edge, just like a stock tip — when those tipped off start buying, the stock price rises and the tip loses its value.