Research Brief / Banking

A Quiet Expansion of Deposit Insurance Could Disrupt U.S. Banking

Seen as a backstop to small- and midsized banks, the program, allowing insurance in multiples of $250,000, alters banking’s risk calculus

Radio tower waves, communication tower on earth Research Brief / Bond Market

One Way the Stock Market Sends Signals to Bond Traders

Thin stock trading, amid both price volatility and a period of potential economic change, leads bond investors to seek a higher yield

Hand holding up a full house featuring three 7's and two kings. Research Brief / Investing

Why Would a Hedge Fund Manager Reveal Stock Positions?

A model suggests that the data might lead index funds to target those same stocks in oversight of corporate management

Search results of three different types of pink slippers Research Brief / Consumer Behavior

As Few as Three Options Can Be Too Many for Online Shoppers 

A large field experiment suggests two items is the sweet spot for converting motivated lookers into buyers


Whose Job Is — and Isn’t — at Risk From Robots?

Also: withdrawal penalties on bank CDs; breathalyzers and DUIs; and how to manage with fewer managers

Chalkbaord illustration of a group of business people during a boardroom meeting Research Brief / Corporate Investment

The Role of Board-of-Directors Pay in Effective Corporate Investing

A model juggles who should suffer when a project goes awry; job market prospects of the CEO; and the quality of information shared in the boardroom

AI operated robots working in warehouse moving customer packages for delivery. Research Brief / Automation

Think Your Job Is Safe From Robots?

Automation depresses career pay for many workers, notably including those in industries not automating

News Coverage / Anderson Research

Analysts who share the same first name with the CEO of a company they cover seem to get better insights than those who don’t, research finds
New research says the answer might be somebody who is a little bit of both, and that’s especially true during turbulent times
Comparing search volume with reported revenue could help auditors and others identify companies that are likely to have future restatements, researchers find
A new study suggests that ‘investors overvalue the pleasure’ of tax-exemption

Editor's Choice

Explore How the World Works

Warren Olney and key Anderson faculty members uncover some of the most fascinating aspects of business and how we work


Mature doctor walks down hospital corridor with digital tablet computer.  Feature / Health Care

Was Research — on Physicians and Noncompete Agreements — Before Its Time?

Years after a paper goes unpublished, it’s fodder for a major Federal Trade Commission proposal

Man using a laptop computer chatting with an intelligent artificial intelligence asks for the answers he wants. Feature / Investing

They’re Calling It the AI Bull Market

After launch of ChatGPT, swift reappraisal by investors

Feature / Management

Unearthing the Negative Consequences of Managing to Quarterly Earnings

A 2017 study on workplace injuries spurs more research on perils of corporate short-termism

Research Briefs

A list of CD interest rates Research Brief / Banking

CD Withdrawal Penalties: Often More Than Worth the Risk

Banks know you won’t do the math: Even after a penalty for early withdrawal, the longer-term CD often nets out to a better deal

An illustration if how the Future You chatbot works. Research Brief / Nudges

Young Adults, With an AI Bot, Chat With Their 60-Year-Old Selves

Research progresses on forging closer bonds with our future selves, encouraging behavior helpful to later lives

A woman deposits her vote in a sealed envelope into an official voting ballot box in Washington state. Research Brief / Politics

Prediction Markets + Polls + Economic Indicators: Better Election Forecasting?

A model incorporating markets that allow betting on elections suggests a role in prognostications

A man is seated in his car is using an ignition interlock, which is a breath test device linked to a vehicle’s ignition system. Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

The Deterrent Effect of Ignition Interlock Devices — Before They’re Even Installed

Adding a car breathalyzer to existing penalties could substantially discourage drunken driving

Personal perspective view of a female doctor talking with a patient Research Brief / Nudges

A Psychological Approach to Helping Doctors Do Better at Doing No Harm

Behavioral nudges reduced doctors' overprescribing and overtesting of older patients

Semantic segmentation of cars on a road. Research Brief / Artificial Intelligence

AI’s Somewhat Hidden Secret: Invisible Human Workers

How 934 workers around the globe regard their labor; it doesn’t have to be this way

A color illustration of the top of the U.S. Capitol building with a crack down the center. Research Brief / Bias

Winning Buoys One’s Perception of Democracy, But Even Some Losers Appreciate the Process

Insurrection at U.S. Capitol led some Trump voters to surprising assessment

Modern woman on her way to take the train. Super commuting lifestyle. Research Brief / Nudges

Future-self Nudge Works Even Better in Reverse

Starting with your future self and looking back to your current self increases likelihood of saving