Area: Accounting


The Upshot of Some Banks Paying Higher Rates on Deposits

Also: the kind of companies at which more women advance; reaching the UN’s goals for a better world

Close-up of a robotic hand calculating bills using calculator in office Research Brief / Technology

Technology’s Hidden Role in the Accountant Shortage

Software that saves time and money may paradoxically be resulting in a shortage of accountants

Woman in red shirt with brown paper bag on her head with an angry expression on it Research Brief / Accountable Care Organizations

Populism’s Rise in U.S. Isn’t Only About Anger

2016 vote shares for Trump and Sanders point to a mix of negative emotions

A Tweet that lists the earnings of Abbott Laboratories. Research Brief / Stock Returns

Tweets with Visuals Bring a 2% Stock-Price Boost — Temporarily

SEC encourages graphics in disclosures, but this practice may help executives more than shareholders

Hands of businesswoman on computer laptop on sofa in home. with a search bar overlaid on the image. Research Brief / Finance

Using Google Trends To Detect Revenue Misreporting

It’s public and free and could help auditors

An older man fills out forms in front of a bank teller while an older woman on the right talks to a bank teller. Research Brief / Banking

Mobile Banking, a Boon to Many, Disadvantages Those Who Bank at Branches

Banks close neighborhood outlets and raise prices for branch-delivered services

A folded paper fortune teller gsme with good news written on one flap and bad news written on another in black lettering. Research Brief / Debt

What Investors Infer From External News And Management Silence

Uncertainty about outside news alters company disclosures and how markets interpret them, study finds

Feature / Management

Unearthing the Negative Consequences of Managing to Quarterly Earnings

A 2017 study on workplace injuries spurs more research on perils of corporate short-termism

An aqua-colored view finder pointed at the ocean. Research Brief / Investing

How to Properly Incentivize Your Unicorn Finder

VCs and other investors need a contract with their seeker that blunts conflicts of interest

A collage of faces in white frames on a light green background Research Brief / Investing

How a Stock Analyst’s Face Affects Their Earning Estimates

Trustworthy and dominant-seeming men: access to corporate management. Dominant-seeming women: not so much.

A crowd of people with their backs facing the viewer Research Question / Investing

When Individuals Concentrate in a Stock, Earnings Surprises Play Out Differently

Price movements can be more extreme

A close-up of soapy green water Research Brief / Debt

The Debt Market’s Indirect Antidote to ESG Greenwashing

Loans that include a sweetener or penalty tied to ESG performance seem to induce more honest reporting

An illustration in green of a lightbulb made up of various icons including a dollar sign, a piggy bank and the earth. Research Brief / Investing

ESG Investors in China Focused on Profit Potential of Climate Change

Less attention to downside of nation’s carbon-neutral goals

An illustration of the word trademark etched on a gear Research Brief / Innovation

Tracking Product Trademarks Expands Understanding of Innovation

R&D outlays and patents alone don’t effectively measure corporate creativity

A graphic illustration of the stock market Research Question / Markets

What Limited Attention Does to Efficient Market Theory

Stocks don’t react to news immediately because, well, we’re human

The old Continental Illinois building in Chicago Research Brief / Finance

Sorting Out Conflicts of Interest in Commercial Loan Syndicates

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