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Cashless payment systems are sweeping the globe. Introducing them in India, which has an underdeveloped banking system:
Read on: All households benefited from the digital payments processing. The self-employed gained the most.
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California has low property taxes and high income taxes, leading some homeowners to establish residency for income tax purposes in other states and then spend less than half the year in their low-tax California house. There’s a catch:
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Facing a period of industry instability, when choosing a new CEO, a board might best look to:
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Clinical trials have long failed to include diverse patient groups. A 2000 order by President Bill Clinton compelled Medicare to cover costs of participating in trials, hoping to raise representation of older patients.
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Looking for a spouse or friend with a high EQ (or at least the ability to read emotions from another person’s eyes), you’d be better off choosing someone whose parents or grandparents were Chinese farmers of: