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Reported financial results suggest private equity firms vastly overpay for nursing homes. Why is that?
Rumors that buried beneath every nursing home sits a vault filled with gold.
The heck with returns — these investors just want to help the sick and the aged.
Some slick accounting that diverts most nursing home profits to management and real estate firms controlled by the same owners.
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An accountant shortage — 340,000 fewer than five years ago — is leading employers to:
Simplify their operations and financial statements so they don’t need so many accountants.
Sit tight and hope that software continues to evolve to perform simple accounting functions.
Offer signing bonuses and bigger salaries to land CPAs.
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Why do startups move to another country?
To escape their venture capital funders who’re intrusive and annoying.
To be nearer to their funders.
To get close to luxury car dealerships, where IPO money can be spent.
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Designing nudges to affect behavior — say, encouraging COVID-19 vaccination — is best done:
In a controlled laboratory setting or using hypotheticals to limit confounding variables.
Out in the real world with actual human responses.
Neither method works.
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A CEO takes a stand on gun control that many consumers disagree with. Are people more likely to boycott the company if they believe their action is observed — what’s known as signaling — or are they merely acting their conscience?
In an experiment, boycotting was just as likely when the decision was kept private.
Knowing others would witness the boycotting increased its likelihood.
Knowing others would witness the boycotting decreased its likelihood.