Ashley Feinsinger

Faculty, Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine


Dr. Ashley Feinsinger’s research pursues questions at the intersection of ethics, philosophy of language, and neuroscience, and she has published on a range of topics, including medicalization and the ethics of non-therapeutic research with implanted devices. Funded by the NIH BRAIN Initiative, her neuroethics lab engages with patient-participants in basic neuroscience research to understand motivations for enrollment and interpretations of risk and benefit. Through comparing patient values with those of researchers and the public, her lab addresses conceptual questions about exploitation and trust, as well as practical questions about patient engagement and consent.

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1 Articles

MRI Brain Axial views .to evaluate brain tumor. Research Brief / Ethics

‘They Were Already Inside My Head To Begin With’

The ethics of asking brain surgery patients to allow unrelated research while on the operating table