
Test Your Knowledge of Business and the Economy

A verdict on organic wines, imagining a world without cross-border capital constraints, beach houses and a financial crisis

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Tabulating ratings for 128,000 French wines from 2008 to 2015 given in three leading publications, researchers exploring viticulture methods found the order of tastiest-to-less tasty wine was:
Conventional wines first, organic wines second and biodynamic wines third
Conventional wines, biodynamic wines, organic wines
Biodynamic wines, organic wines, conventional wines

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In April 2020 — just as the COVID-19 pandemic had begun — a study of nearly 1,000 adults 18 to 76 found that older adults:
Were ignorant that they were more at risk yet had more negative emotions than younger people
Knew they were more at risk yet had fewer negative emotions
Knew they were more at risk and had more negative emotions

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If capital flowed across national borders unimpeded, seeking the highest returns regardless of the culture, institutions, physical distance or laws that currently restrict capital flows:
The world economy would be 9.6% bigger
The economy would actually shrink by 4.3%
There would be little change to the overall size of the world economy

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The nation’s $1 trillion coastal housing market, vulnerable to rising seas as a result of global warming, could develop into a financial crisis because:
Millions of at-risk homes lack sufficient flood insurance
Prices of the most-at-risk homes in California are rising faster than other coastal properties
Lenders are writing mortgages that don’t reflect the looming risk
All of the above

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Math and reading test results of U.S.-born students with high exposure to immigrants in their schools:
Were lower than those of a sibling who had lesser exposure to immigrants
Were higher than those of a sibling who had lesser exposure to immigrants
Were roughly the same as the sibling who had lesser exposure