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When local banks struggle to attract deposits, that’s a sign of a weakening economy. A 1.3 percentage point increase in the interest rate offered on a $10,000 certificate of deposit suggests:
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Some jobs ads seem downright macho, seeking candidates who’re “confident,” “strong,” “outspoken,” “aggressive” and “entrepreneurial.” Replacing those terms not with feminine ones but de-gendering the ads — “entrepreneurial” becomes “willing to pursue new and creative ideas” — the ads seem to agree with:
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Fintech startups are trying to disrupt the long-held dominance of banks, using new technology and fresh business models. Traditional banks in China, some embracing fintech methods, find:
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In forecasting tournaments, social scientists asked to predict the societal changes from the COVID-19 epidemic:
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Cultural divides exist around the world, but in the U.S. are more pronounced on: