Using smartphones to track lockdown compliance, paying employers to keep workers on the payroll and gauging nursing home availability
Nudge to improve preventive medicine performance didn’t work – and yielded discontent
A model separates potential profits or losses for hospital, doctors and other health care providers when insurer pays in lump sum
Matt Schmitt finds that size and location help determine how much, if any, costs fall after deals
Getting the mix right is the goal of a Medicare pilot, which itself could use substantial improvement
Peer ranking might cut dangerous antibiotic overuse
Social media optimal for spreading conspiracy theories
Reliable, widespread testing regimen could help jump-start economy
Embedding psychological nudges in mail reminding people to get tested improves compliance
At-home test for colorectal cancer delivered with a deadline
Accountable care organizations can levy penalties against specialists for poor patient outcomes
Measuring the utility of increased care and testing, inputs that aren’t always immediately available
Informed by personal experience, a researcher parses data to help those mulling mastectomy and gynecological surgeries
Greater subsidies aren’t enough: Lowering the complexity of enrollment is needed to bring more and healthier people into the market
A model vastly outperforms predictions based on prior hospital data
Following Medicare reimbursement rate changes, research actually increased