4 Articles

A blank organizational chart in white on a blackboard Research Brief / Gender Gap

Women Advance More Frequently in Decentralized Companies

At smaller units, they can develop a record of objective achievement separate from any male-dominated network

News Coverage / Anderson Research

Is It Better to Select a CEO Who Is an Outsider or an Insider?

New research says the answer might be somebody who is a little bit of both, and that’s especially true during turbulent times

3D realistic empty open and closed chrome elevator doors with buttons on White background. Research Brief / Corporate Management

CEO Succession: Execs Running a Subsidiary Offer a Balance Between Insider and Outsider

In an analysis of transitions from 1993 to 2017, they wrung more from operations facing tumult

One stack of three wrapped groups of 100-dollar bills on a white background. Research Brief / Mergers and Acquisitions

Round-Number Bids Are Costly, but Up the Odds of a Deal

Buyers of private firms signal willingness to move fast