Area: Economics

Book cover of American Default Book Review / Economics

A Shocking Tale of Sovereign Default and Private Contracts Nullified

Sebastian Edwards brings to life a widely forgotten chapter of U.S. history starring FDR, his no-name economist and the demise of the gold standard

A senior woman walking down a corridor with the assistance of a walker. view from rear. Research Brief / Health Care

A Nudge to Reduce the Government Tab for Nursing Home Care

An upfront fee for taking Medicaid patients could shorten stays

Sepia photo of four farmers Research Brief / Gender Gap

A History of Plough-Based Farming Leads to Fewer Girls

Modern-day gender ratios are linked to countries’ agricultural roots

Large obsolete passenger airplanes in a dismantling and recycling facility. Research Brief / Pollution

A Cash-for-Clunkers Program Could Reduce Aviation Emissions

Paying airlines to scrap — instead of sell — old planes produces environmental benefits at a low cost

Various fast food restaurant signs along a road Research Brief / Minimum Wage

A $15 Minimum Wage May Have (Partially) Arrived, But Who Pays?

Study of L.A.-area restaurants gauges effect on owners, customers, landlords

Illustration of buildings Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

$54,000 a Year: It Feels Like More If Your Neighbors Make Less

Ricardo Perez-Truglia’s research uses relocation choices of medical residents to study feelings about relative income

Colorful patterns on the surface of the water created by oily pollutants and stagnant water, as seen in a Texas bayou. Ripple rings also appear on the surface from aquatic life under the polluted water. Research Brief / Inflation

How Oil Prices Distort Our View of Inflation

A favored Federal Reserve index fails to filter out petroleum’s impact

Man in shadow pulling a line of grocery carts Research Brief / Minimum Wage

‘Fight for 15’ Debate: What Happens after a Big Boost in Minimum Wage?

Modest loss of jobs followed 1966 law, but millions won substantial raises