Prior to vaccines, more staff tests per week could have prevented thousands of nursing home deaths, study suggests
Areas under direct rule lost the components of human capital
Bidders sacrifice a better price to avoid ending up with nothing
It’s harder to hold an infant responsible for being poor
Offering higher deposit rates lessens emphasis on loans of fixed rate and longer maturity
Tough standards led to an increase in auto-related patents
Management and real estate deals to owners’ firms siphon off most profits
Software that saves time and money may paradoxically be resulting in a shortage of accountants
Whether research shows benefits from diversity depends heavily on choice of study design
In New York, small and budget hotels — competitors to short-term rentals — raised prices
Improving the search for contractors that don’t use coercion
It can also help management make capital expenditure decisions
Decision analysis for a firm considering adding a longer-aged product to its lineup
SEC encourages graphics in disclosures, but this practice may help executives more than shareholders
Popular in business schools and executive suites, it’s no longer a meaningful way to compare companies