What your genome says about college completion, and how likely a crash is after a credit boom
Can modern decision theory, paired with a half-century-old thought experiment, help make a more just society?
Taking a stand on controversial issues can hurt sales, but the effect is brief
Cellphone signals and patent citations approximate a theory’s long-sought paper trail
An approach tailored to investor risk appetite and more comparable to stocks
It’s still early days in genetic research, though advances will aid study of educational attainment and, notably, disease
Do investors misprice assets, revise their risk appetite or make some other misjudgment?
Encouraging pre-commitment to a future behavior helps people do hard things — but it can backfire
Amid the pandemic, price gouging and stiffing of suppliers and workers surged
VCs and other investors need a contract with their seeker that blunts conflicts of interest
Expanding chains drive out independent grocers, reduce access to fresh produce
Study finds interest in screening embryos for education propensity, especially if everyone else is doing it
The true meaning of a bailout, how pay transparency works and whether to take that meeting or not
Acquiring companies appear to get a better deal following frequent in-person meetings
Laws that threaten ideological preferences prompt some opponents to adopt more extreme beliefs
Trustworthy and dominant-seeming men: access to corporate management. Dominant-seeming women: not so much.