Topic: Manufacturing

A city full of smog Research Brief / Stock Returns

Your Chinese Supplier Pollutes – It Dents Your Stock Price?

The market penalizes customers’ shares more than those of the polluter

Forklift in a warehouse Research Brief / Manufacturing

When Manufacturers Commence Exporting, They Become More Efficient

Looking at costs, in a sample of 5,000 plants in Chile, remarkable productivity gains occur

Astronaut performing a space walk Research Brief / Operations

When Logistics Go into Orbit

Researchers are considering the challenges of new space industries

Closeup of microchips Research Brief / Pricing

Volume Discount? In the Chip Industry, Don’t Count on One

Semiconductor makers’ pricing is based not just on quantities ordered but also on “capacity rationing”

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Oct 2020 Quiz

Snap Quiz — This Is for Extra Credit

Welcome to UCLA Anderson Review’s quiz, in which we aim to extract business and life lessons from faculty research we cover each month.

Two individuals working in a factory assembly line Research Brief / Manufacturing

Should Manufacturers Use Formal Procedures to Evaluate Alternative Materials?

Methods that weight efficacy, toxicity and cost improve understanding but provide no easy answers

A woman with a lantern Research Brief / Supply Chain

Shining a Light on the Development Supply Chain

Field researchers constructed a model to subsidize essential goods for low-income communities in crisis, and profit in recovery

Dimly lit empty manufacturing facility Research Brief / Recession

Recession Recoveries Take Longer as Manufacturing Fades

Should stimulus be targeted toward displaced workers, rather than across the economy?

Warehouse Research Brief / Sustainability

Once Begun, Corporate Carbon Reduction Efforts Gather Momentum

Companies are surprised: Opportunities to reduce CO2 are more plentiful than expected

Illustration of car outline made of parts Research Brief / Manufacturing

Mass Customization Makes Forecasting Parts Purchases a Manufacturer’s Nightmare

A method that establishes a range of needs — and then tightens the range — works better

A welder wearing protective head gear works on a piece of metal in a workshop Forecast / Manufacturing

Manufacturing Might Pull Its Weight in Next Recovery

Unlike in past cycles, factory jobs are showing strength ahead of expected downturn

Person looking at billboard ads on a wall Research Brief / Branding

Luxury Goods: The Perils and Profits in Lower-Priced Markets

A study uses game theory to suggest when designer companies should license their names for down-market goods

Aerial view of a cargo ship being hauled by tugboats near the port where other ships are docked and cargo waits to be loaded. Research Brief / International Trade

In U.S.-China Trade War, Bystander Countries Increase Exports

Higher demand from U.S. and China means expanding into new markets

Building in ruble while emergency workers recover a body Research Brief / Manufacturing

How Fashion Brands Can Best Ensure Worker Safety in Developing Nations

Collective action, rather than each brand working alone, appears more effective and costs less

Workers peer over a coworker's cubicle Research Brief / Competition

How Established Firms Get Disrupted by Allies

Suppliers, distributers, product extenders go from helper to competitor

Workers in a garment factory sewing Research Brief / Supply Chain

How Brands Can Anticipate Unauthorized Subcontracting of Apparel Manufacturing

A model predicts with 80% accuracy which orders get handed off