Topic: Sustainability

A city full of smog Research Brief / Stock Returns

Your Chinese Supplier Pollutes – It Dents Your Stock Price?

The market penalizes customers’ shares more than those of the polluter

A close-up of soapy green water Research Brief / Debt

The Debt Market’s Indirect Antidote to ESG Greenwashing

Loans that include a sweetener or penalty tied to ESG performance seem to induce more honest reporting

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Apr 2021 Quiz

Test Your Knowledge of Business and the Economy

A verdict on organic wines, imagining a world without cross-border capital constraints, beach houses and a financial crisis

A brick home with solar panels on the roof Forecast / Sustainability

Solar Calculators Are Precise, But Data Don’t Always Persuade

A separate motivator: friends living in areas abundant in solar panels

Two individuals working in a factory assembly line Research Brief / Manufacturing

Should Manufacturers Use Formal Procedures to Evaluate Alternative Materials?

Methods that weight efficacy, toxicity and cost improve understanding but provide no easy answers

A woman with a lantern Research Brief / Supply Chain

Shining a Light on the Development Supply Chain

Field researchers constructed a model to subsidize essential goods for low-income communities in crisis, and profit in recovery

A hand preparing to write on a blank paper Research Brief / Sustainability

Organic Wines Prevail in an Analysis of French Wine Ratings

Standards vary and organics capture just 4% of world market

Warehouse Research Brief / Sustainability

Once Begun, Corporate Carbon Reduction Efforts Gather Momentum

Companies are surprised: Opportunities to reduce CO2 are more plentiful than expected

A view of a white house on stilts on a beach shore Feature / Global Warming

Is the $1 Trillion Coastal Housing Market a Future Financial Crisis?

Homebuyers ignore warnings of rising seas; lenders keep lending

A man fly fishing Research Brief / Social Responsibility

Instilling Ownership Feelings Leads to Greater Care of Common Resources

Research could assist stewardship of public lands

A nest thermostat on the wall reads 25 degrees Research Brief / Energy

Improving Utility Calculations on Energy Demand to Reduce Costs

Power companies haven’t maximized the benefits of customers agreeing to short-term electricity interruptions

A graphic with text above that reads, "World has entered a polycrisis era and SDG progress is threatened by" and underneath the text are a series of graphics Research Brief / Supply Chain

How to Speed Progress on U.N. Sustainable Development Goals

Operations management research identifies synergies for more efficient action

Book cover of The Green Bundle Book Review / Sustainability

How to Make Sustainable Products More Appealing to Consumers

Magali Delmas proposes a “green bundle,” combining environmental good with product traits — quality, healthiness, performance, status — that have always sold

Produce section of a grocery store with people pushing carts in both aisles Research Brief / Supply Chain

How Grocery Co-Ops Fit into the Competitive Landscape

Do for-profit supermarket chains tolerate higher-priced co-ops?

Close-up of energy meters Research Brief / Energy

Household Energy Efficiency: Not All Upgrades Are Created Equal

Behavior, other factors influence which improvements are effective

Silhouette of biker near a power plant with smoke stack Research Brief / Sustainability

Household Energy Conservation: Appeal to Cost Savings or Environmental and Health Impacts?

Money-saving messages lose impact over time, while worry about dangerous pollution helps consumers show discipline