Mariko Sakakibara
Sanford and Betty Sigoloff Chair in Corporate Renewal; Professor of Strategy
Mariko Sakakibara joined the UCLA Anderson faculty in 1994. She focuses her research on alliances, innovation and technological change, intellectual property rights, multinational corporate strategy and national competitiveness

6 Articles

What Happens at Hotels When Laws Restrict Airbnbs?
In New York, small and budget hotels — competitors to short-term rentals — raised prices

Was Research — on Physicians and Noncompete Agreements — Before Its Time?
Years after a paper goes unpublished, it’s fodder for a major Federal Trade Commission proposal

Face-to-Face Meetings, Before an Acquisition, Improve Outcomes for Buyers
Acquiring companies appear to get a better deal following frequent in-person meetings

What Work Experience Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?
How founders’ employment history shapes their ventures

Noncompete Agreements Reduce Worker Pay — and Overall Economic Activity
Researchers refute earlier claims