Topic: Housing

Map of the London Tube system Research Brief / Real Estate

Startups and Gentrification Go Hand in Hand, But How Does That Happen?

Looking at London, by one measure the world’s second strongest entrepreneurial center

Exterior of hotel building Research Brief / Competition

What Happens at Hotels When Laws Restrict Airbnbs?

In New York, small and budget hotels — competitors to short-term rentals — raised prices

Light black door open in abstract style on dark background. Research Brief / Wealth Inequality

The Transformative Potential of Financial Reparations

Payouts to victims of Colombia’s decadeslong armed conflict suggest benefits may exceed the initial cost

Wall with boxes labeled with contents and ready for moving Research Brief / Housing

Migration — and Home Price Escalation — Happens Along Established Routes

Major cities reliably feed residents to the same smaller markets, and housing booms predictably travel with them

Side-by-side view of the Robert Taylor housing project in Chicago before and during demolition. Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Kids Who Moved from Public Housing More Likely to Vote as Adults

Demolition of Chicago projects dispersed thousands to other areas

A residential street with houses on each side of the street, Research Brief / Real Estate

Equity-Rich Homeowners Overpay for Their Next House

Less diligent as shoppers, such buyers help drive up home prices

A woman with long hair hangs up a for sale sign Research Question / Real Estate

Middlemen: Matchmakers or Sources of Strategic Information?

Probing that question using a database of for-sale-by-owner home listings

A view of solar panels on the rooftop and the skyline at dusk Research Brief / Energy

The Relationship Between Adoption of Rooftop Solar and Attachment to One’s Surroundings

Applying the behavioral concept of “place attachment” to the logistics of battling climate change

Aerial view of a neighborhood Research Brief / Housing

Fed Policy Helped Distressed Homeowners But Wasn’t a Cure-All

Modifications curtailed foreclosures during 2008-09 crisis, but borrowers remained at high risk of delinquency

Research Brief / International Trade

How Companies in Big Cities Out-Export Those in Smaller Ones

Measure of export intensity raises questions about trade policy and housing restrictions

California Housing Market Forecast / Housing

As Home Prices Soar Elsewhere, California Starts to Seem Almost Reasonable

Will the narrowing price gap bring an end to the state’s out-migration?

A smiling person leans out of their window Research Brief / COVID-19

COVID-19-Induced Eviction Moratoria Reduced Hunger and Anxiety

Housing guaranteed, rent payments went toward food

A view of a white house on stilts on a beach shore Feature / Global Warming

Is the $1 Trillion Coastal Housing Market a Future Financial Crisis?

Homebuyers ignore warnings of rising seas; lenders keep lending

A farm on the prairie with one side dry Research Brief / Public Policy

Ownership Structure of Tribal Land Exacts a Multibillion-Dollar Penalty

Can’t sell it, can’t borrow against it, can’t develop it

Aerial shot of downtown Los Angeles freeways Research Brief / Housing

Rising Rents Force Families to Curtail Spending on Food and Health Care

Cost burdens affect half of U.S. households that rent, as housing shortage worsens

Highspeed rail Research Brief / Housing

Impact of High-Speed Rail: Surprising Data on Real Estate Prices

In Japan, speedier commutes let workers live farther from jobs, taking some pressure off high-priced housing markets