Area: Behavioral Decision Making

Pre-adolescent boy wearing in red over a red background with a cool attitude. Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Major Adolescent Stress Reduces Connection to Future Self

And thinking less about one’s adult life can reduce the pursuit of higher education

Man sits on a chair and ponders Research Question / Education

Lifelong Decisions Based on a Momentary Mood

Fatigue during a morning class dissuades some from rewarding majors

Chalk illustration of a graph Research Brief / Data Analytics

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics — and Data Visualization

How we interpret time-series data is dependent on the designer’s chosen format

An illustration of a man holding an umbrella standing ina sea of alarm clocks. Research Brief / Nudges

Lack of Urgency Can Undermine a Popular Behavioral Nudge

Encouraging pre-commitment to a future behavior helps people do hard things — but it can backfire

Side-by-side view of the Robert Taylor housing project in Chicago before and during demolition. Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Kids Who Moved from Public Housing More Likely to Vote as Adults

Demolition of Chicago projects dispersed thousands to other areas

Illustration of a couple depositing money in a large piggy bank Research Brief / Personal Finance

Joint Bank Accounts Make for Happier Couples

Those who keep finances separate are likelier to split up, be less satisfied with their relationship

Illustration of a European football game Research Brief / Ethics

Is a Bad Deed That Goes Unpunished Less Bad?

In experiments, immorality and harm are deemed more extreme merely because an act was punished

True and false symbols accept rejected for evaluation, Yes or No on wood blogs on blue background Research Brief / Ethics

Institutions Make Mistakes: Which Should We Seek to Prevent; Which Ought We Fix After the Fact?

In experiments, people endorsed seemingly harsh policies — only to reverse course after the fact

Tennis player Nick Kyrgios Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

In Adversity, Some High Performers Give Up Rather than Dig In

The world of tennis sheds light on a potential downside to office ranking systems

Pink hot air balloon Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

How to Spot a Nudge Gone Rogue

Researchers find common warning signs in persuasion projects that went wrong

Overlooking stock trading desks Research Brief / Workplace

How Organizational Hierarchy Hinders a Platform Aimed at Worker Collaboration

NASA employees engaged when it was clear their bosses were on board

Chocolate truffles in a display case Research Brief / Consumer Behavior

How Much We Value Something Increases Our Patience

Delayed gratification isn’t just about willpower

A family eating at the dinner table Research Brief / Politics

Holiday Meals Shortened by Political Divide

Cell phone location data and local voting records measure discord

Graph of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. Research Brief / COVID-19

Graphic Presentation of COVID-19 Data Can Skew Perceptions of Risk

Showing cumulative cases — not day-to-day trends — could nudge people to avoid reckless behavior

Two hands holding a phone displaying a man on a video call Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Good News or Bad, We Like to Experience It With a Friend

Less so when it’s really bad news

Line of bananas in order of ripeness Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Gesturing Left to Right for Passage of Time Occurs by Age 6

Cultural norms — reading and the calendar — affect native English-speakers’ motioning constructs