Area: Behavioral Decision Making

Police cars and officers on highway at night. Research Brief / Bias

Smartphone Records Reveal Racial Disparities in Neighborhood Policing

Police patrol Black areas more frequently than others with similar homicide rates and income levels

Payday Loan office facade Research Brief / Debt

Sensitivity to Debt Type Predicts Financial Health

Research reveals that those wary of payday loans tend to manage their finances better

Diverse group of high school students having a discussion Research Brief / Diversity

Schooling Alongside Minorities Reduces White Students’ Tendency to Vote Republican

One system’s end to busing offers data on integration’s impact on future partisanship

Broken piggy bank full of coins Feature / Retirement

Save, Save, Save, but Then What? Financial Structure and Spending in Retirement

Innumerable nudges help savings accumulation; now researchers turn to decumulation

Man buying jeans Research Brief / E-commerce

Retailing Cross-Platform Win: A Pop-Up Store Boosts Online Sales

Alibaba finds a fresh twist on an old-school store is an effective marketing tool

Doctor reading through paperwork Feature / Nudges

Replicating a Successful Nudge in Health Care: Advice for Skeptics

How it often goes wrong and key observations for effective strategies

A man sitting with his dog on the couch talking to his grandma on a cellphone Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

People Prioritize Shared Experiences, Even When Apart

People will endure inconvenience to synchronize events, regardless of proximity

Book Review / Behavioral Decision Making

Overcoming Obstacles to Taking Better Care of Your Future Self

Hal Hershfield’s book offers research-backed methods to build a healthier, happier, more financially secure life

Line chart with hearts Research Brief / Time

Our Envy of Prospective Events Is Greater Than of Those Past

That’s helpful information in a social media world filled with friends who do enviable things

Mobile phone using the Yelp app Research Brief / E-commerce

Online Reviews Sway Experiential Purchases Less Than Those of Material Products

Reviews that explicitly talk about objective quality assessments are well received

LA Dodger Manny Ramirez taking a swing Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Not All Second Chances Are Good Ones

Hengchen Dai finds that hitting the reset button can help those who have recently struggled, but erodes the motivation and execution of top performers

Illustration of two heads with the word THINK Research Brief / Gender

News from Venus and Mars: Genders Communicate Similarly atop Organizations

Analysis of 15 years of Wikipedia editors’ chatter reveals women of rank don’t shrink from controversial topics

A young child leans onto a desk with arms folded and stares at a small marshmallow Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

New Study Disavows Marshmallow Test’s Predictive Powers

Test’s originator was a central co-author but died before its completion

Illustration of a calendar with 15th circled Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Motivation to Begin or an Excuse to Slack Off?

Fresh-start dates can serve as either — it’s a two-way nudge

Person using a computer to check their 401K Research Brief / Retirement Planning

Maximizing Retirement Savings: More Nudging Required

Tweaking 401(k) website design and language can significantly boost worker contributions, yet HR doesn’t always see these opportunities

Four children independently working on a math assignment Research Brief / Gender Gap

Math Gender Gap: Nonexistent for Blacks, Notable for Affluent Whites

Well-to-do families doting on their sons at daughters’ expense?