Area: Economics

Illustration of businessman plugging ears with fingers and megaphone to the right of him, Research Brief / Politics

Closely Held Political Beliefs Often Immune to Conflicting Information – Even From Trusted Sources

People say they’d change their minds, but they mostly don’t

Large obsolete passenger airplanes in a dismantling and recycling facility. Research Brief / Pollution

A Cash-for-Clunkers Program Could Reduce Aviation Emissions

Paying airlines to scrap — instead of sell — old planes produces environmental benefits at a low cost

An illustration featuring text that reads "happiness" and other items such as scissors and a ruler Research Brief / Happiness

How-To Guide for Happiness Surveys, Which Increasingly Drive Public Policy

Advice for researchers aims to help improve both data collection and its interpretation

Aerial view of Newport Beach California with ocean and waterways. Research Brief / Taxes

Should Part-Time Californians, Avoiding the State’s Income Levy, Pay More in Property Tax?

As it stands, they’re free-riding, in effect subsidized by full-time resident taxpayers

A gray map of France. Research Brief / Cultural History

Historical Case for Immigrants Sending Home More Than Money

France’s lower fertility rates spread to regions that sent the most emigrants to live there

Texas state line sign next to historic Route 66 near the town of Texola, Oklahoma. Research Brief / Minimum Wage

Do Workers Cross State Lines for Higher Minimum Wages?

States that raise rates curtail out-migration but do not attract more outsiders

A flow chart overlaid on programming language. Research Brief / Technology

The Trade-Off Between Fairness and Accuracy in Algorithm Design

What happens when data is excluded?

A senior woman walking down a corridor with the assistance of a walker. view from rear. Research Brief / Health Care

A Nudge to Reduce the Government Tab for Nursing Home Care

An upfront fee for taking Medicaid patients could shorten stays

A warped S&P 500 logo in red on a white background Research Brief / Stock Returns

More Money Into Stock Index Funds Suggests Lower Future Returns

As index fees decline, will funds draw big money away from bonds?

Light black door open in abstract style on dark background. Research Brief / Wealth Inequality

The Transformative Potential of Financial Reparations

Payouts to victims of Colombia’s decadeslong armed conflict suggest benefits may exceed the initial cost

A view of the back of a young woman in white shirt with black polka dots and a black purse looped through her arm sits on stairs outside Research Brief / Minimum Wage

The High Cost of Losing a Minimum Wage Job

Contrary to assumptions, low-wage workers lose substantial income in years after layoff

A photo illustration of the American flag with a crack through it and the Capitol building overlaid and a red filter over the entire image. Research Brief / Politics

Cultural Polarization Isn’t New — But Its Alignment With Political Divisions Is

A new way to classify individuals delivers insights on social divisions and the culture war

Detail of a 19-century painting depicting the Battle of Kulikovo (1380 CE). Research Brief / Cultural History

Testing 17 Theories on the Development of Complex Civilizations

Large-scale data project produces stark conclusion: military technology + agricultural productivity caused the takeoff

Refueling an airplane on the airport Punta Cana at the Dominican Republic Research Brief / Global Warming

Taxing Jet Fuel Could Reduce Airline Greenhouse Gas Emissions Now

Breakthrough technologies are years off for aviation, but incremental improvements are available

A man is lost in a foggy field with blue signs all around him. Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Amateurs Struggle To Incorporate Market Signals About Pricing into Their Trades

Disregarding data, novices often sail into strong winds

Aerial view of a cargo ship being hauled by tugboats near the port where other ships are docked and cargo waits to be loaded. Research Brief / International Trade

In U.S.-China Trade War, Bystander Countries Increase Exports

Higher demand from U.S. and China means expanding into new markets