Daily, weekly and monthly contribution schemes gauge behavior
Environmentally conscious companies that also instill teamwork and quality enjoy higher output
Research might give pause to corporate boards changing compensation models
The anti-infection procedure rises for a time, when workers are watched, and then falls off
Well-known market anomalies are largely absent among the biggest stocks
Research compares U.S. behavior to norms in Asia
How vote outcomes affect feelings about society
Research looks beyond management to measure how co-workers police each other
A scan of a million brokerage accounts finds the wealthy trade ahead of market-moving news
Henry Friedman’s research finds, surprisingly, that major economic news actually heightens attention paid to company announcements
This model could enable power companies to lower the cost of peak electricity
Inexperienced investors, lacking historical context, impact markets
Avanidhar Subrahmanyam studies how some investors’ gambling mentality affects share prices
Restraining lenders saved hundreds of billions in home value
After management does its best, new analytical approaches take effectiveness up another notch
Ricardo Perez-Truglia’s research uses relocation choices of medical residents to study feelings about relative income