Seen as a backstop to small- and midsized banks, the program, allowing insurance in multiples of $250,000, alters banking’s risk calculus
A large field experiment suggests two items is the sweet spot for converting motivated lookers into buyers
Banks know you won’t do the math: Even after a penalty for early withdrawal, the longer-term CD often nets out to a better deal
Placing an inferior ‘decoy’ option in a menu of choices can trigger people to take their business elsewhere
An experiment seeks to isolate motivation and raises concerns for outspoken corporate leaders
Recognition by peers leads to longer, more thoughtful online reviews and discussion threads
Charging more at peak times could reduce congestion and lift profits. Would customers revolt?
On your phone, about 20. How retailers can best harvest sales from those glances
Third-party sellers would gain; consumers might pay more but increase control of products display
It varies across goods and services and can be blunted by monetary policy
Power companies haven’t maximized the benefits of customers agreeing to short-term electricity interruptions
Most sellers do one or the other, but giving shoppers both might lift sales
Happy memories of life-stage transitions can be bittersweet
Novelty and social connection boost time spent playing
Capturing how decisions are driven by a habitual preference for moderation