Topic: Happiness

An illustration if how the Future You chatbot works. Research Brief / Nudges

Young Adults, With an AI Bot, Chat With Their 60-Year-Old Selves

Research progresses on forging closer bonds with our future selves, encouraging behavior helpful to later lives

A color illustration of the top of the U.S. Capitol building with a crack down the center. Research Brief / Bias

Winning Buoys One’s Perception of Democracy, But Even Some Losers Appreciate the Process

Insurrection at U.S. Capitol led some Trump voters to surprising assessment

Dusty wine bottles on a rack Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

When Delayed Gratification Backfires

A self-imposed quest for a perfect time to enjoy an indulgence often means missing out on actually having a good experience

Strawberry doughnut with sprinkles Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

When a Mistake Isn’t

Decision making research may sometimes rush to judgment

Queue of disgruntled people waiting in line for a bank teller Research Brief / Nudges

We Hate Crowds, But Fail to Strategize on Avoiding Them

When might most other people choose to visit the bank?

Illustration of a convertible car Research Brief / Time Management

Vacation Mindset: How Weekends Can Be More Refreshing

Researchers told subjects to treat their weekend like a vacation, then gauged happiness on Monday

Research Brief / Time Management

Too Much Free Time? Blame Solitude or Lack of Productive Activity

Even abundant free time, used in meaningful pursuits, brings happiness

Portable clocks with different times displayed Feature / Time Management

Time: How We Manage It, Value It and Relate to Its Passage

A compilation of research offers a compelling cheat sheet for how to get more out of time

An empty two-lane highway under a cloud-filled sky at either dusk or dawn. Research Brief / Time Management

Thinking in Days, Weeks, Years — Rather Than Minutes — Can Bring Contentment

A broader view of one’s time also changes how one spends it

An illustration featuring text that reads "happiness" and other items such as scissors and a ruler Feature / Happiness

The Unhappy Quest for a Happiness Index

Pushing aside GDP for a measure of human well-being turns out to be very, very difficult. Ask Dan Benjamin

Hands holding a framed photograph of a father and son holding a fishing pole Research Brief / Happiness

The Sad Fact of Reminiscing About Good Times

Happy memories of life-stage transitions can be bittersweet

Two illustrated figures facing each other, both are wearing white masks and facing profile Research Brief / Workplace

People Suffer From Hiding Their Feelings – So Might Their Employers

Forced to nod in agreement, workers may embrace conspiracy theories, be less trusting

A man sitting with his dog on the couch talking to his grandma on a cellphone Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

People Prioritize Shared Experiences, Even When Apart

People will endure inconvenience to synchronize events, regardless of proximity

Illustration of a man water a plant while it grows Research Brief / Happiness

Patience Is a Virtue — Up to a Certain Point

The happiest people are moderately patient, not into extreme delayed gratification

Illustration of a character holding the sun on a string Feature / Happiness

Our Flawed Pursuit of Happiness — and How to Get It Right

New approaches to spending and time-management examine how our actions do or don’t influence our level of satisfaction

A young child leans onto a desk with arms folded and stares at a small marshmallow Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

New Study Disavows Marshmallow Test’s Predictive Powers

Test’s originator was a central co-author but died before its completion