Topic: Happiness

Dusty wine bottles on a rack Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

When Delayed Gratification Backfires

A self-imposed quest for a perfect time to enjoy an indulgence often means missing out on actually having a good experience

Strawberry doughnut with sprinkles Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

When a Mistake Isn’t

Decision making research may sometimes rush to judgment

Queue of disgruntled people waiting in line for a bank teller Research Brief / Nudges

We Hate Crowds, But Fail to Strategize on Avoiding Them

When might most other people choose to visit the bank?

Illustration of a convertible car Research Brief / Time Management

Vacation Mindset: How Weekends Can Be More Refreshing

Researchers told subjects to treat their weekend like a vacation, then gauged happiness on Monday

Research Brief / Time Management

Too Much Free Time? Blame Solitude or Lack of Productive Activity

Even abundant free time, used in meaningful pursuits, brings happiness

Portable clocks with different times displayed Feature / Time Management

Time: How We Manage It, Value It and Relate to Its Passage

A compilation of research offers a compelling cheat sheet for how to get more out of time

An illustration featuring text that reads "happiness" and other items such as scissors and a ruler Feature / Happiness

The Unhappy Quest for a Happiness Index

Pushing aside GDP for a measure of human well-being turns out to be very, very difficult. Ask Dan Benjamin

Hands holding a framed photograph of a father and son holding a fishing pole Research Brief / Happiness

The Sad Fact of Reminiscing About Good Times

Happy memories of life-stage transitions can be bittersweet

Two illustrated figures facing each other, both are wearing white masks and facing profile Research Brief / Workplace

People Suffer From Hiding Their Feelings – So Might Their Employers

Forced to nod in agreement, workers may embrace conspiracy theories, be less trusting

A man sitting with his dog on the couch talking to his grandma on a cellphone Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

People Prioritize Shared Experiences, Even When Apart

People will endure inconvenience to synchronize events, regardless of proximity

Illustration of a man water a plant while it grows Research Brief / Happiness

Patience Is a Virtue — Up to a Certain Point

The happiest people are moderately patient, not into extreme delayed gratification

Illustration of a character holding the sun on a string Feature / Happiness

Our Flawed Pursuit of Happiness — and How to Get It Right

New approaches to spending and time-management examine how our actions do or don’t influence our level of satisfaction

A young child leans onto a desk with arms folded and stares at a small marshmallow Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

New Study Disavows Marshmallow Test’s Predictive Powers

Test’s originator was a central co-author but died before its completion


Mute Your Zoom Call and Take This Quiz

Zara’s excess inventory, why California housing seems more reasonably priced and the right amount of free time

Pre-adolescent boy wearing in red over a red background with a cool attitude. Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Major Adolescent Stress Reduces Connection to Future Self

And thinking less about one’s adult life can reduce the pursuit of higher education

Man sits on a chair and ponders Research Question / Education

Lifelong Decisions Based on a Momentary Mood

Fatigue during a morning class dissuades some from rewarding majors