Topic: Workplace

Five negative COVId-19 tests and one positive test off to the side. Research Brief / COVID-19

Testing of Nursing Home Staff Was a Key COVID-19 Mitigation Strategy During the Pandemic. Was It Worth It?

Prior to vaccines, more staff tests per week could have prevented thousands of nursing home deaths, study suggests

Avatar round icon set of 25 diverse people portraits. I Research Brief / Diversity

As Definition of Diversity Expands, Hiring of Racial Minorities Stalls

Law firms remain 81% white; Walmart’s evolving description of a diverse workforce

Colleagues sitting at table in conference room at business meeting. Research Brief / Productivity

The Makeup of Your Team Should Dictate How and When You Have Meetings

Team size and how staffer productivity varies are crucial considerations

Organization and team structure symbolized with cubes on wooden background. Research Brief / Management

Complexity Begets Management Layers: How Some Small Firms Avoid That

Overlapping tasks among workers well acquainted with each other reduce the need for managers

Black pencil with white eraser removing a written mistake on a piece of paper. Research Brief / Gender

Removing Words With Gender Bias in Job Ads: More Diverse Applicants

Women — and some men — more inclined to apply for positions

Studio portrait of a diverse group of three women and three men smiling while standing against a grey background Research Brief / Venture Capital

Who Gets Venture Capital?

Experienced founders with good products still need great employees to attract early investment, study finds

Feature / Management

Unearthing the Negative Consequences of Managing to Quarterly Earnings

A 2017 study on workplace injuries spurs more research on perils of corporate short-termism

A cube of hundred dollar bills wrapped in a blue bow Research Brief / Productivity

Trying Out Bonus-Pay Theory on Unsupervised, Low-Skill Tasks

Incentives boost output, but benefits level off at a fairly low point

An out of foucs image of a female in a conference room with windows Research Brief / Gender Gap

Do the Benefits of Pay Transparency Accrue Mostly to Employers?

Revealed compensation might motivate workers to do more, without a raise

Workers in a warehouse putting together packages Research Brief / Productivity

Startling Productivity Leap: an Algorithm, Not a Manager, Assigns Work

Warehouse pickers perceive process to be fairer

An illustration of the outlines of a group of men and women, multicolored Research Brief / Gender

The Art of Selling Corporate Gender Equity Initiatives

Workforce doesn’t identify as feminist? Maybe don’t use that word

A firefighter in gear carries a fire hose as they walk past a fire truck Research Brief / Management

A Bottom-Up, Instead of Top-Down, Path Away from Sexist Bosses

Encouraging the rank-and-file to value feminine traits reduces the implicit endorsement of a biased supervisor

AN illustration of matches in various stages of burning until it reaches then end and what looks like a man made out of matches is entirely burned Research Brief / Health Care

Doctors, Subjected to Peer Comparison, Felt Increased Burnout

Nudge to improve preventive medicine performance didn’t work – and yielded discontent

A color illustration of various faces Research Brief / Diversity

Inviting White Workers to Join Diversity Initiatives May Increase Buy-In

Absent such a call, white workers may doubt they have a role

Two staffers wearing face masks hand dishes to women in the senior living center Research Brief / COVID-19

More Staffers: More COVID-19 Exposures and More Nursing Home Deaths

Reliance on part-timers raises headcounts and dangers to patients

A female surgeon looks to two nurses as a male surgeon continues to work on a patient's foot. Research Brief / Gender Gap

Shorter Workweek Could Help Close the Gender Wage Gap

Study of medical residencies shows shift in women’s specialty choices when hours reduced