Topic: Stock Market

Lettered wooden pieces arranged to spell the words "stock" and "bond". The two words share a single "O" piece. Research Brief / Corporate Investment

How Bond and Stock Prices Combine to Influence Corporate Investment

Equity volatility can encourage — or dampen — investment, depending on a firm’s bond spread

Two people sit opposite of each other while working on their laptops Research Brief / Investing

Heading for a Divorce? Might Want to Go Easy on Stock Picking

Active traders lose their edge as a marital breakup approaches

Close up of a smartphone Research Brief / Investing

GameStop Aside, Retail Investors Might be Terrible at Momentum Investing

Using Chinese A and B shares, institutional players outperform individuals

An illustration in green of a lightbulb made up of various icons including a dollar sign, a piggy bank and the earth. Research Brief / Investing

ESG Investors in China Focused on Profit Potential of Climate Change

Less attention to downside of nation’s carbon-neutral goals

Composite image of stock charts overlaid on an image of a laptop Research Brief / Investing

Banks Rent Out Their Balance Sheets — So Derivatives Cost More

Even before Dodd-Frank rules, the costs were significant

Graphic of investor leisurely sitting in front of an investment terminal reading a book Research Brief / Investing

As Passive Investing Spreads, Overall Market Becomes Less Competitive

Active investors take up some — but not all — of the slack created by index funds

A man is lost in a foggy field with blue signs all around him. Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Amateurs Struggle To Incorporate Market Signals About Pricing into Their Trades

Disregarding data, novices often sail into strong winds

Six office workers seen talking and performing various tasks Research Brief / Finance

Adapting Value Investing to the 21st Century

Including intangible assets in book value vastly improves the strategy’s returns

Visual illustration of data Research Brief / Investing

A Solution to the Debate over Momentum’s Cause?

Investors may underreact when information arrives in small, continuous bits

A metal trash can containing four wadded up pieces of paper Research Brief / Investing

46 Possible Stock Market Strategies from Academics Get a Retest

We won’t call it debunking, but not all investing tips hold up