Do Workers Cross State Lines for Higher Minimum Wages?
States that raise rates curtail out-migration but do not attract more outsiders

Smartphone Records Reveal Racial Disparities in Neighborhood Policing
Police patrol Black areas more frequently than others with similar homicide rates and income levels

The High Cost of Losing a Minimum Wage Job
Contrary to assumptions, low-wage workers lose substantial income in years after layoff

An Enemy’s Economic Success Sparked U.S. Congressional Cooperation
Bipartisan action rose amid reports of surprising Soviet Cold War economic growth

Equity-Rich Homeowners Overpay for Their Next House
Less diligent as shoppers, such buyers help drive up home prices

A Simplified Tax Code and Post-Communist Growth
Study suggests flat tax systems boosted GDP in former Soviet republics and satellites

The Role of Chance Encounters in Silicon Valley Innovation
Cellphone signals and patent citations approximate a theory’s long-sought paper trail