A model suggests that the data might lead index funds to target those same stocks in oversight of corporate management
A large field experiment suggests two items is the sweet spot for converting motivated lookers into buyers
Also: withdrawal penalties on bank CDs; breathalyzers and DUIs; and how to manage with fewer managers
A model juggles who should suffer when a project goes awry; job market prospects of the CEO; and the quality of information shared in the boardroom
Automation depresses career pay for many workers, notably including those in industries not automating
Banks know you won’t do the math: Even after a penalty for early withdrawal, the longer-term CD often nets out to a better deal
Also: A bot lets young adults text with their 60-year-old selves; when nonprofits should let volunteers call dibs on tasks; and how hard times affect political beliefs and preferences
Research progresses on forging closer bonds with our future selves, encouraging behavior helpful to later lives
A model incorporating markets that allow betting on elections suggests a role in prognostications
Adding a car breathalyzer to existing penalties could substantially discourage drunken driving
Behavioral nudges reduced doctors’ overprescribing and overtesting of older patients
How 934 workers around the globe regard their labor; it doesn’t have to be this way
A survey of 77 papers seeks better understanding of how crises shape beliefs and preferences
Insurrection at U.S. Capitol led some Trump voters to surprising assessment
Starting with your future self and looking back to your current self increases likelihood of saving
Also: feelings about lending to a friend; how consumers react to practice aimed at manipulating buying decisions