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Large obsolete passenger airplanes in a dismantling and recycling facility. Research Brief / Pollution

A Cash-for-Clunkers Program Could Reduce Aviation Emissions

Paying airlines to scrap — instead of sell — old planes produces environmental benefits at a low cost

Bottles of pills arranged to represent a bar graph showing the rising cost of medicine. Research Brief / Health Care

$52.6 Billion: Extra Cost to Consumers of Add-On Drug Patents

The figure is a subset, not covering huge expense of extended patents on high-priced biologics like Humira


Something’s Fishy with Nursing Home Profits

Also: the accountant shortage; and, why startups move to other countries

Blurred image of patients on hospital beds in ICU Research Brief / Health Care

Anticipating Overcrowding Risk in the ICU

A model vastly outperforms predictions based on prior hospital data

The skyline of Shenzhen, China, amid pollution. Research Brief / Supply Chain

Strict Emissions Rules in China Spur Automotive Innovations

Tough standards led to an increase in auto-related patents

Vacuum cleaner sucking money on white background. Research Brief / Health Care

Nursing Home Industry Profits Obscured by Related-Party Transactions

Management and real estate deals to owners’ firms siphon off most profits

Aerial view of Los Angeles at sunset. Research Brief / Global Warming

Assessing Climate Disclosure as U.S. Drops Scope 3 Requirement

What emerges is a fragmented view of corporate contribution to global warming

Telescopes with sky and clouds Research Brief / Innovation

Maximizing Capacity Utilization of Unique Equipment

An algorithm to reduce telescope repositioning time boosts productivity between 10% and 25%

Pre-adolescent boy wearing in red over a red background with a cool attitude. Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Major Adolescent Stress Reduces Connection to Future Self

And thinking less about one’s adult life can reduce the pursuit of higher education

Close-up of a robotic hand calculating bills using calculator in office Research Brief / Technology

Technology’s Hidden Role in the Accountant Shortage

Software that saves time and money may paradoxically be resulting in a shortage of accountants


Why Do Scholars Disagree on Whether Diversity Boosts Growth and Innovation?

Also: inventions and the age of collaborators; Airbnbs vs. hotels; and when to schedule meetings

Illustration of many people with signs protesting. Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Consumer Backlash to CEO Advocacy: Signaling or Act of Conscience?

An experiment seeks to isolate motivation and raises concerns for outspoken corporate leaders

Leadership Concept with Paper Ship Research Brief / COVID-19

The Case for Field Experiments in Behavioral Research

Nudges already proven to work in the real-world increased uptake of COVID-19 boosters; nudges based on lab findings and expert insights, not so much

A departures board for international flights at an airport Research Brief / Startups

Why Do Startups Make International Moves?

In connection with funding, typically; those chasing money abroad tend to raise a lot more of it

An illustration featuring text that reads "happiness" and other items such as scissors and a ruler Research Brief / Happiness

How-To Guide for Happiness Surveys, Which Increasingly Drive Public Policy

Advice for researchers aims to help improve both data collection and its interpretation

Top down aerial view of Chicago Downtown urban grid with park. Research Question / Diversity

Diversity, Economic Growth and a Bug in the Research

Whether research shows benefits from diversity depends heavily on choice of study design