By age 10 or earlier, kids are putting more weight on the future than the past — just like adults
On COVID-19’s impacts, social scientists’ predictions weren’t much better than those of laypeople
Revealed compensation might motivate workers to do more, without a raise
Laws that threaten ideological preferences prompt some opponents to adopt more extreme beliefs
Video from officer-worn cameras is judged less negatively than footage captured on dashboard cameras
Perceived differences between “diverse” and “sufficiently diverse”
A new way to classify individuals delivers insights on social divisions and the culture war
Employing a distinct part of the brain, they’re better at imagining a distant future and seeing others’ points of view
Notable differences in death rates; it appears candidates factored in voter gender bias
Social media optimal for spreading conspiracy theories
Unpublished research shows avoiding the extremes is a common approach marketers need to address
Whites reprimanded for using a Black stereotype express fewer biases about Latinx people and women
People say they’d change their minds, but they mostly don’t
Taste of democracy engenders the opposite of cynicism
A well-intentioned best practice, gender matching might not be optimal
If the boss is your friend, and compensation decisions are public, a bonus you’d get on merit might not be forthcoming