Topic: Employment

Illustration of salary men Research Brief / Compensation

Employees Are OK with Unequal Pay — If They Have a Say in It

Workers involved in compensation decisions might accept a co-worker’s better deal if management didn’t unilaterally decide

Workers leaving a building Research Brief / Labor

Which Policies Best Counter Mass Layoffs? Maybe None

A study of military base closures finds that labor-friendly policies had little effect on job growth after the layoffs

Illustration of two men juggling cash Feature / Mergers and Acquisitions

Some Corporate Mergers Hold Down Future Wages

Fewer employers = less competition for workers = smaller paychecks

Illustration of a man wearing a business suit running out of a box Research Brief / Entrepreneurship

What Work Experience Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?

How founders’ employment history shapes their ventures

Illustration of a man chasing money floating away while chained to a ball Feature / Compensation

Noncompete Agreements Reduce Worker Pay — and Overall Economic Activity

Researchers refute earlier claims

Person with head buried in their hand Research Brief / Accounting

Snarky Co-Workers Can Ruin Morale, Even When the Boss Is Supportive

Malignant personalities loom large in workplace happiness and a supervisor’s positive tone carries only so far