Hal Hershfield’s book offers research-backed methods to build a healthier, happier, more financially secure life
Known as collateralized loan obligations, their aim is actually to reduce risk
Study suggests flat tax systems boosted GDP in former Soviet republics and satellites
An approach tailored to investor risk appetite and more comparable to stocks
Do investors misprice assets, revise their risk appetite or make some other misjudgment?
Encouraging pre-commitment to a future behavior helps people do hard things — but it can backfire
VCs and other investors need a contract with their seeker that blunts conflicts of interest
Trustworthy and dominant-seeming men: access to corporate management. Dominant-seeming women: not so much.
Where big investors gather, corporate wealth is reallocated away from workers
Price movements can be more extreme
Loans that include a sweetener or penalty tied to ESG performance seem to induce more honest reporting
Public bonds compete against other investments; a model of that relationship
Less attention to downside of nation’s carbon-neutral goals
Stocks don’t react to news immediately because, well, we’re human
How a localized flood may result in fewer loans to a far-off community
As major central banks adopt digital currency, emerging countries will feel mixed effects