Valentin Haddad’s research finds that insurers’ patient investing shields risky assets — and those who hold them — from steeper declines
Sebastian Edwards finds Keynes’ public take-down of Roosevelt’s gold policies still relevant today
Andrea Eisfeldt finds that hedge funds with infrastructure to execute sophisticated arbitrage crowd out less-expert investors
What happened when the Argentine government lied about inflation numbers?
Ads aimed at brand awareness are shown to be more effective
Real-world bond data reveals how the capital positions and liquidity of middlemen affect prices of securities they broker
Well-known market anomalies are largely absent among the biggest stocks
A scan of a million brokerage accounts finds the wealthy trade ahead of market-moving news
Henry Friedman’s research finds, surprisingly, that major economic news actually heightens attention paid to company announcements
Inexperienced investors, lacking historical context, impact markets
Avanidhar Subrahmanyam studies how some investors’ gambling mentality affects share prices
Investors in leveraged companies take on extra risk, but research indicates they see no offsetting return
With high-quality borrowers hard to judge from afar, Alt-A market offers quiet signal on creditworthiness
The market penalizes customers’ shares more than those of the polluter