Using parish records, researchers examine fundamental changes in society following the French Revolution
Revisiting research on Catholic clergy sex abuse: Pennsylvania can expect fewer churchgoers and a painful decline in charitable contributions
Operations management research identifies synergies for more efficient action
A practical guide to enlisting, mobilizing and continually engaging like-minded people
Using voting records from a unique transition in the 19th-century Caribbean, Christian Dippel examines the embrace of self-interest by new legislators
When to allow unpaid workers to call dibs on recurring tasks — and when not to
Large study sees increases in education, declines in public assistance
Environmentally conscious companies that also instill teamwork and quality enjoy higher output
Can modern decision theory, paired with a half-century-old thought experiment, help make a more just society?
Leaders of a failed 1848 revolt are followed to towns across the U.S.
Unintended pregnancies decline when copays and patient fees are eliminated
Less attention to downside of nation’s carbon-neutral goals
Laws that threaten ideological preferences prompt some opponents to adopt more extreme beliefs
Building adaptability into an approach improves performance
As the pandemic wears on, a search for the factors that cost lives
An experiment seeks to isolate motivation and raises concerns for outspoken corporate leaders