Topic: Wellness

Person looking through a multifaceted gemstone Research Brief / Health

Embryo Selection, Polygenic Scoring and Unrealistic Expectations

False hope for instilling disease resistance and desirable traits?

Close-up angled image of someone's eye. The eye is reflecting a beach landscape Research Brief / Personal Finance

Do Money Troubles Make It Harder to Daydream?

Popular notion that the poor console themselves with fantasy is perhaps more a comfort to the rich

A food bank worker is separating out fresh produce into bags for distribution Research Brief / Supply Chain

Fixing a Food Bank’s Pandemic Logistics Problem

Enormous growth and a redrawn supply chain required a new system

Four children are sitting around a shoe box filled with dirt and worms engaging in a science project Research Brief / Education

Head Start, the Public Preschool Program, More Than Pays for Itself

Large study sees increases in education, declines in public assistance

A close-up image of the bronze Lady Justice statue Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Alcohol Use and Violent Crime: a 36% Shorter Sentence

Intoxication seems to work as an unofficial mitigating factor

An overhead view of individuals walking in a single file line. The ground has been painted to look like a map of the world. Research Brief / Education

Presence of Immigrant Students Boosts Test Scores for All

Research tracking Florida siblings helps isolate the impact

A young child leans onto a desk with arms folded and stares at a small marshmallow Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

New Study Disavows Marshmallow Test’s Predictive Powers

Test’s originator was a central co-author but died before its completion

Illustration of a calendar with 15th circled Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Motivation to Begin or an Excuse to Slack Off?

Fresh-start dates can serve as either — it’s a two-way nudge

Silhouette of female smoker Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Shaming Smokers Actually Increases Their Urge to Light Up

Being stigmatized by stereotype feeds anxiety and depletes self-control

Two students using a computer Research Brief / Education

Gender Gaps in School Performance

Socioeconomic factors magnify the boy-girl divide and can explain cross-race differences

Three images of man's profile Feature / Behavioral Decision Making

Advancing the Study of Using Future-Self Images to Alter Behavior

Successful projects suggest a more thorough cataloging of how “vividness” nudges can help us delay gratification

Illustrations of a timeline Feature / Time

An Aerial, as Opposed to Ground-Level, View of Time

A novel framework proposes to reduce angst over schedules and lives

Illustration of the word NOW Research Brief / Happiness

Happiness and Living in the Moment: Westerners Haven’t Quite Put Them Together Yet

Asians, more than Americans and Europeans, make a point of experiencing joy in the short term

Computer model of chromosomes unwinding Feature / Health Care

BRCA Mutation: New Model Quantifies How Surgeries Reduce Cancer Risk

Informed by personal experience, a researcher parses data to help those mulling mastectomy and gynecological surgeries

Illustration of a character holding the sun on a string Feature / Happiness

Our Flawed Pursuit of Happiness — and How to Get It Right

New approaches to spending and time-management examine how our actions do or don’t influence our level of satisfaction

Workers stretching at their desk Research Brief / Workplace

Do Corporate Wellness Programs Boost Worker Productivity?

Industrial laundry gains 4% output; better health and better feelings toward employer could account for increase