Area: Accounting

Meeting in a boardroom Research Brief / Gender Gap

You Have Women on Your Board? Gender Inequality and the Choices of Foreign Fund Manager

How investment data and country rankings correlate on treatment of women

Hand holding up a full house featuring three 7's and two kings. Research Brief / Investing

Why Would a Hedge Fund Manager Reveal Stock Positions?

A model suggests that the data might lead index funds to target those same stocks in oversight of corporate management

Airplanes parked Research Brief / Accounting

Why Corporate Leasing Practices Deserve More Respect

Most companies use asset leasing for business reasons, not accounting window dressing


Whose Job Is — and Isn’t — at Risk From Robots?

Also: withdrawal penalties on bank CDs; breathalyzers and DUIs; and how to manage with fewer managers

Blurry image of a document that has redaction Research Brief / Banking

When Lenders Put a Muzzle on Borrowers

Companies hide from shareholders information about loans — more than likely to appease banks

A crowd of people with their backs facing the viewer Research Question / Investing

When Individuals Concentrate in a Stock, Earnings Surprises Play Out Differently

Price movements can be more extreme


What’s Behind the Broadening of Diversity Statements?

Also: feelings about lending to a friend; how consumers react to practice aimed at manipulating buying decisions

A graphic illustration of the stock market Research Question / Markets

What Limited Attention Does to Efficient Market Theory

Stocks don’t react to news immediately because, well, we’re human

Hands of businesswoman on computer laptop on sofa in home. with a search bar overlaid on the image. Research Brief / Finance

Using Google Trends To Detect Revenue Misreporting

It’s public and free and could help auditors

Illustration of a man cooking books in a pot Research Brief / Corporate Finance

Upside Earnings Surprise Issued Late: Signal of Possible Manipulation

Companies that take longer than expected to announce results may be buying time for accounting tricks

Feature / Management

Unearthing the Negative Consequences of Managing to Quarterly Earnings

A 2017 study on workplace injuries spurs more research on perils of corporate short-termism

A Tweet that lists the earnings of Abbott Laboratories. Research Brief / Stock Returns

Tweets with Visuals Bring a 2% Stock-Price Boost — Temporarily

SEC encourages graphics in disclosures, but this practice may help executives more than shareholders

An illustration of the word trademark etched on a gear Research Brief / Innovation

Tracking Product Trademarks Expands Understanding of Innovation

R&D outlays and patents alone don’t effectively measure corporate creativity


The Upshot of Some Banks Paying Higher Rates on Deposits

Also: the kind of companies at which more women advance; reaching the UN’s goals for a better world

Chalkbaord illustration of a group of business people during a boardroom meeting Research Brief / Corporate Investment

The Role of Board-of-Directors Pay in Effective Corporate Investing

A model juggles who should suffer when a project goes awry; job market prospects of the CEO; and the quality of information shared in the boardroom


The Low-Paid Workers Who Make AI Go

Also: A bot lets young adults text with their 60-year-old selves; when nonprofits should let volunteers call dibs on tasks; and how hard times affect political beliefs and preferences