Area: Decisions, Operations & Technology Management

A food delivery driver in a green jacket riding a motorscooter squeezes between two vans on the street. Research Brief / Supply Chain

How to Reduce Food-Delivery Collisions

Fining drivers hasn’t worked. A model suggests penalizing the delivery app companies

A screenshot of an online selling tutorial on Amazon. Research Brief / Competition

Amazon (and Other Platforms) vs. Third-Party Sellers: Complicated Debate

Some data shows competing against the platform can help sellers, if not consumers

A laptop open on a table. A doctor is seen on the screen and the patient is seen in a box on the screen during a telehealth appointment. Research Brief / Health Care

Dividing Patients Between Telehealth, In-Office Primary Care and Referral to Specialists

Getting the mix right is the goal of a Medicare pilot, which itself could use substantial improvement

A nighttime image of a homeless encampment on a city corner in Los Angeles. Research Brief / Wealth Inequality

Go Ahead, You Decide How Much Wealth Should Be Redistributed

Can modern decision theory, paired with a half-century-old thought experiment, help make a more just society?

An overhead view of shipping containers and semi trucks going through a gate Research Question / Supply Chain

Can Supply Chains — Global, Opaque, Ever-Changing — Be Made Fair?

Amid the pandemic, price gouging and stiffing of suppliers and workers surged

A screen grab of the Volunteer Match website that reads "How do I?' on an orange and white background. Research Brief / Algorithm

Matching Algorithms Work Fine — Until Bypassed By External Links

How to rebalance supply and demand amid today’s chaotic internet traffic

A cube of hundred dollar bills wrapped in a blue bow Research Brief / Productivity

Trying Out Bonus-Pay Theory on Unsupervised, Low-Skill Tasks

Incentives boost output, but benefits level off at a fairly low point

An out of foucs image of a female in a conference room with windows Research Brief / Gender Gap

Do the Benefits of Pay Transparency Accrue Mostly to Employers?

Revealed compensation might motivate workers to do more, without a raise

An electric charging station filled 2ith cars Research Brief / Supply Chain

Want More Charging Stations? Spur Purchases of More EVs

Governments needn’t subsidize charging networks

People with luggage standing under an awning waiting for rids next to an Uber sign. Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

A Matching Mechanism to Reduce Uber/Lyft Customer Wait, Improve Revenue

Queuing models aren’t simple but offer big potential service improvements

A nest thermostat on the wall reads 25 degrees Research Brief / Energy

Improving Utility Calculations on Energy Demand to Reduce Costs

Power companies haven’t maximized the benefits of customers agreeing to short-term electricity interruptions

A pile of glittery gold stars on the left of the frame and in the center a yellow star Research Brief / Sales

Online Reviews: Should Sellers Show All or a Subset Relevant to You?

Most sellers do one or the other, but giving shoppers both might lift sales

A young man wearing a blue shirt plays a game on his cellphone Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

What Drives Engagement in $116 Billion Mobile Gaming Industry

Novelty and social connection boost time spent playing

A white clock on a black background that is dissolving on the right side Research Brief / Data Analytics

Deciding When to Decide Can Lead to Better Outcomes

An interpretable model versus black-box algorithms for complex decision making

A military cargo airplane taxis on a n airbase runway Research Brief / Operations

Improving Airlift Schedules with Algorithms

Splitting complex problems into parts simplifies and greatly speeds the task

Man on bike riding in bike lane on busy street Research Brief / Transportation

A Data-Driven Approach to Optimizing Bike Paths

A model for cities to boost ridership, without snarling car traffic