Using voting records from a unique transition in the 19th-century Caribbean, Christian Dippel examines the embrace of self-interest by new legislators
Personal beliefs, especially among the less educated, often outweigh actual data
Nico Voigtländer found that to combat arbitrary taxes and corruption, merchants persuaded the king to cede control
Study finds interest in screening embryos for education propensity, especially if everyone else is doing it
Expanding chains drive out independent grocers, reduce access to fresh produce
Measure of export intensity raises questions about trade policy and housing restrictions
Estimates are based on smartphone data and precinct-level 2016 vote results
Equity volatility can encourage — or dampen — investment, depending on a firm’s bond spread
Money-saving messages lose impact over time, while worry about dangerous pollution helps consumers show discipline
Uninsured and insured both receive help; benefits are temporary
France’s lower fertility rates spread to regions that sent the most emigrants to live there
Analysis also suggests a more rapid economic recovery by keeping workers and employers allied
Leaders of a failed 1848 revolt are followed to towns across the U.S.
Socioeconomic factors magnify the boy-girl divide and can explain cross-race differences
New research suggests increased risk of illness and death in middle age, on top of longer-lasting income penalty
Smartphone GPS tracks staffers between facilities