If one company bundles products, its competitors are always better off not bundling; the thing to avoid is a head-to-head competition wherein the only way to get an edge is by cutting prices
Law firms remain 81% white; Walmart’s evolving description of a diverse workforce
It’s generally a positive in both cultures, but buy-in is more tentative in China
Claiming victimhood of a different sort — say, concerning free speech — seen as more effective in silencing criticism
Analysis of 250 studies finds the most common response to negative workplace behavior is an eye for an eye
In LA, doctors who lose a patient to opioid overdose get a letter from the coroner; tweaking that letter had a substantial impact
Director expertise disciplines CEO into providing better information
Which one walks out happier?
Behavioral nudges reduced doctors’ overprescribing and overtesting of older patients
Encouraging the rank-and-file to value feminine traits reduces the implicit endorsement of a biased supervisor
New research looks beyond attitudes toward specific executives accused of harassment to focus on people’s perceptions of corporatewide gender culture.