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Chinese women working at a garment factory Research Brief / Productivity

Giving Workers a Say Boosts Productivity

Output at a Chinese garment factory rose 10%

Wal-Mart giftcard Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Gift Cards: When Versatility Is a Drawback

Cards redeemable only at a favorite store beat adding a second, less-loved retailer


Get All Five Correct and Move on to the Next Round

TV ad prices, workers who don’t offer productivity suggestions and startups that end up being acquired

Line of bananas in order of ripeness Research Brief / Behavioral Decision Making

Gesturing Left to Right for Passage of Time Occurs by Age 6

Cultural norms — reading and the calendar — affect native English-speakers’ motioning constructs

Illustration of German rebels Research Brief / Cultural History

German Rebels Who Helped Lincoln Win the Civil War: A Natural Experiment in Leadership

Leaders of a failed 1848 revolt are followed to towns across the U.S.

Two students using a computer Research Brief / Education

Gender Gaps in School Performance

Socioeconomic factors magnify the boy-girl divide and can explain cross-race differences

Close up of a smartphone Research Brief / Investing

GameStop Aside, Retail Investors Might be Terrible at Momentum Investing

Using Chinese A and B shares, institutional players outperform individuals

A wooden man with a red tie leans out of a line of nondescript wooden men Research Brief / Competition

Gaining Status in an Online Community

How unknown individuals turn into influencers on a platform for programmers

A girl smiling in front of a calendar Research Brief / Bias

Future Bias Is Present by Middle School

By age 10 or earlier, kids are putting more weight on the future than the past — just like adults

Research Brief / Nudges

Fresh-Start Framing Boosts Retirement Plan Participation

A behavioral nudge passes a real-world test with 6,000 workers

Person shopping online on a laptop Research Brief / Marketing

Free Shipping: Our Preference to Spend on Ultimate Goals vs. Preliminary Steps

Prerequisites are valued poorly in a series of six experiments

Two hands push medication out of a green plastic container Research Brief / Health

Free Birth Control, Fewer Births

Unintended pregnancies decline when copays and patient fees are eliminated

Three modern apartment buildings and one building under construction Research Brief / Economics

France, Forcing Municipal Mergers, Achieves Growth in Housing Units

Construction permitting power taken from cities that resisted development

Illustration of a tower taller than city buildings Research Brief / Corporate Finance

Forgoing a Tax Refund to Signal Brightening Financial Prospects

Companies that use loss carry-forwards to offset future tax liability, instead of claiming a refund, enjoy favorable lending terms

Fed Chair Jerome Powell stands at a podium and answers questions from the press Feature / Economics

Forecasting a Recession Using Easy-to-Grasp Images

A look at the shape of five variables through the last seven downturns vs. today’s numbers

Food delivery in China Research Brief / E-commerce

Food Delivery Apps: Driver Experience Turns Out to Be Crucial

A model improves on-time performance and yields more repeat business