Reliable, widespread testing regimen could help jump-start economy
Researchers compare income disparity by county to product availability
Gauging Trump’s appeal by estimating an area’s social capital
Doing worse than mom and dad is a drag on the entire economy
Technology and “industrialization” are reshaping services as they did manufacturing
Europeans brought an appreciation of social welfare programs that still resonates
Bundled product offerings, team members who hog the glory and kidney transplant quality
A 12-month high in local unemployment triggers savings behavior
Analysis also suggests a more rapid economic recovery by keeping workers and employers allied
Stronger financial reporting standards seem to mean more for growth of countries’ credit markets than their stock markets
Data show growth of educated adults in city populations
Analysis shows an increase in jobs for low-wage workers, but the buying power of their paycheck declines
A strong currency makes U.S. exports harder to sell, even outside of China
New economic indicator allows forecasters to monitor the state’s performance more closely
Cost burdens affect half of U.S. households that rent, as housing shortage worsens
A model focuses on startups that, while developing innovative products, seek a lucrative buyout