Topic: Employment

Two people at a shared open office space sitting on red rubber balls Research Brief / Workplace

Working for a Startup Depresses Long-Term Earnings

The most lucrative career paths avoid young, small firms

View of an empty office building Research Brief / Workplace

Work From Home: Adjustments Still to Come?

The history of industrial transformation suggests more gradual change

Manager disapprovingly looks down at a distressed employee's work Research Brief / Workplace

Why Unloved Workers Don’t Share Productivity Tips with the Boss

Concept of attachment theory, born in developmental psychology, applied to the workplace

Firefighters in front of their truck Research Brief / Gender Gap

Why Aren’t There More Women Firefighters?

Aligning people’s idea of a firefighter with the range of work and skills actually required might reduce gender bias

Three nurse confer in front of a computer screen at a nurses station Research Brief / Labor

Who Does — and Doesn’t — Suffer From Lack of Competition for Workers

Nurses, cosmetologists and other professionals find wages suppressed more than many lower-skilled workers

Workers leaving a building Research Brief / Labor

Which Policies Best Counter Mass Layoffs? Maybe None

A study of military base closures finds that labor-friendly policies had little effect on job growth after the layoffs

Illustration of a man wearing a business suit running out of a box Research Brief / Entrepreneurship

What Work Experience Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?

How founders’ employment history shapes their ventures

Research Brief / Stereotypes

Warmth vs. Competence: a Way to Organize Study of Job, Gender and Racial Stereotypes?

Nurses (and women) rate highly for warmth; lawyers, not so much

Two cartoon figures. One is sitting on a large pile of gold coins while the other has very few. Research Brief / Income

Wage Transparency Might Make Income Inequality Even Worse

Unintended consequences in trying to apply market solutions

AI operated robots working in warehouse moving customer packages for delivery. Research Brief / Automation

Think Your Job Is Safe From Robots?

Automation depresses career pay for many workers, notably including those in industries not automating

Man using a laptop computer chatting with an intelligent artificial intelligence asks for the answers he wants. Feature / Investing

They’re Calling It the AI Bull Market

After launch of ChatGPT, swift reappraisal by investors

Light black door open in abstract style on dark background. Research Brief / Wealth Inequality

The Transformative Potential of Financial Reparations

Payouts to victims of Colombia’s decadeslong armed conflict suggest benefits may exceed the initial cost

A view of the back of a young woman in white shirt with black polka dots and a black purse looped through her arm sits on stairs outside Research Brief / Minimum Wage

The High Cost of Losing a Minimum Wage Job

Contrary to assumptions, low-wage workers lose substantial income in years after layoff

remote worker using technology Research Brief / Workplace

Technology Alone Won’t Decide the Future of Remote Work

Social and institutional forces ultimately enable — or stifle — change

Aerial shot of an industrial district Forecast / Technology

Tech Sector Propels California’s Economy Faster than the Nation’s

New economic indicator allows forecasters to monitor the state’s performance more closely

Illustration of two men juggling cash Feature / Mergers and Acquisitions

Some Corporate Mergers Hold Down Future Wages

Fewer employers = less competition for workers = smaller paychecks