Topic: Income

A line of 13 members of a family lined up to the mother at Ellis Island Research Brief / Globalization

Big Families — and Overall Population Growth — Lead People to Emigrate

Europe’s Great Migration to North America, 1850-1920, offers lessons for today’s immigration patterns

AI operated robots working in warehouse moving customer packages for delivery. Research Brief / Automation

Think Your Job Is Safe From Robots?

Automation depresses career pay for many workers, notably including those in industries not automating

Aerial view of Chicago from the south. Research Brief / Wealth Inequality

Segregation Compounds the Effects of Poverty

In Northern cities, railroad tracks that defined Black neighborhoods remain boundaries against economic mobility

Research Brief / Wealth Inequality

In Pleas to Remedy Economic Inequality, Babies’ Faces Outperform Adults’

It’s harder to hold an infant responsible for being poor

Aerial view of Newport Beach California with ocean and waterways. Research Brief / Taxes

Should Part-Time Californians, Avoiding the State’s Income Levy, Pay More in Property Tax?

As it stands, they’re free-riding, in effect subsidized by full-time resident taxpayers

A mobile phone showing cashless payments Research Brief / Personal Finance

Cashless Payments: Faster Transactions, Easier Borrowing and Increased Household Income

System provides digital record of payments for India’s vast self-employed ranks, satisfying lenders, and raising the likelihood of starting a business

Mature doctor walks down hospital corridor with digital tablet computer.  Feature / Health Care

Was Research — on Physicians and Noncompete Agreements — Before Its Time?

Years after a paper goes unpublished, it’s fodder for a major Federal Trade Commission proposal

Texas state line sign next to historic Route 66 near the town of Texola, Oklahoma. Research Brief / Minimum Wage

Do Workers Cross State Lines for Higher Minimum Wages?

States that raise rates curtail out-migration but do not attract more outsiders

A view of the back of a young woman in white shirt with black polka dots and a black purse looped through her arm sits on stairs outside Research Brief / Minimum Wage

The High Cost of Losing a Minimum Wage Job

Contrary to assumptions, low-wage workers lose substantial income in years after layoff

A photo illustration of the American flag with a crack through it and the Capitol building overlaid and a red filter over the entire image. Research Brief / Politics

Cultural Polarization Isn’t New — But Its Alignment With Political Divisions Is

A new way to classify individuals delivers insights on social divisions and the culture war

A lone red char in empty office. Research Brief / Investing

As Concentrated Shareholder Ownership Rises, Wages and Employment Suffer

Where big investors gather, corporate wealth is reallocated away from workers

An out of foucs image of a female in a conference room with windows Research Brief / Gender Gap

Do the Benefits of Pay Transparency Accrue Mostly to Employers?

Revealed compensation might motivate workers to do more, without a raise

An illustration of a woman pulling a suitcase as she walks toward her ride share. Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

Surge Pricing’s Benefits Go to a Subset of Ride-Hailing Drivers

Full-timers gain the least, part-time drivers the most

A female surgeon looks to two nurses as a male surgeon continues to work on a patient's foot. Research Brief / Gender Gap

Shorter Workweek Could Help Close the Gender Wage Gap

Study of medical residencies shows shift in women’s specialty choices when hours reduced

Three nurse confer in front of a computer screen at a nurses station Research Brief / Labor

Who Does — and Doesn’t — Suffer From Lack of Competition for Workers

Nurses, cosmetologists and other professionals find wages suppressed more than many lower-skilled workers

Man in shadow pulling a line of grocery carts Research Brief / Minimum Wage

‘Fight for 15’ Debate: What Happens after a Big Boost in Minimum Wage?

Modest loss of jobs followed 1966 law, but millions won substantial raises