And thinking less about one’s adult life can reduce the pursuit of higher education
Zara’s excess inventory, why California housing seems more reasonably priced and the right amount of free time
Test’s originator was a central co-author but died before its completion
New approaches to spending and time-management examine how our actions do or don’t influence our level of satisfaction
The happiest people are moderately patient, not into extreme delayed gratification
People will endure inconvenience to synchronize events, regardless of proximity
Forced to nod in agreement, workers may embrace conspiracy theories, be less trusting
Happy memories of life-stage transitions can be bittersweet
Pushing aside GDP for a measure of human well-being turns out to be very, very difficult. Ask Dan Benjamin
A broader view of one’s time also changes how one spends it
A compilation of research offers a compelling cheat sheet for how to get more out of time
Even abundant free time, used in meaningful pursuits, brings happiness
Researchers told subjects to treat their weekend like a vacation, then gauged happiness on Monday
When might most other people choose to visit the bank?
A self-imposed quest for a perfect time to enjoy an indulgence often means missing out on actually having a good experience