Backers like to offer suggestions to a not-quite-finished product
Good ideas may be scarce, capital to fund them is not
Enormous growth and a redrawn supply chain required a new system
Technology and mobile finance needed as nanostores’ compete against online behemoths
Reduce fares in adjacent areas to draw more drivers to where demand is high
Standards vary and organics capture just 4% of world market
Balancing vaccine efficacy against need to quickly inoculate more people
Academic medical centers, French elections and Chinese garment workers
With a business model built on fewer employees, their dominance saps dynamism.
Following Medicare reimbursement rate changes, research actually increased
NASA employees engaged when it was clear their bosses were on board
Pharmaceutical companies are better able to identify promising new applications for existing drugs
A model focuses on startups that, while developing innovative products, seek a lucrative buyout
Chris Tang’s research suggests a two-step pricing strategy can maximize sales and profits