When to allow unpaid workers to call dibs on recurring tasks — and when not to
At smaller units, they can develop a record of objective achievement separate from any male-dominated network
Operations management research identifies synergies for more efficient action
A model vastly outperforms predictions based on prior hospital data
An algorithm to reduce telescope repositioning time boosts productivity between 10% and 25%
Operations managers can take into consideration happiness, equity and sustainability
Decision analysis for a firm considering adding a longer-aged product to its lineup
Withholding renewal of a supply agreement can be more powerful than other carrots and sticks
Overlapping tasks among workers well acquainted with each other reduce the need for managers
Building adaptability into an approach improves performance
The risk for matching platforms is affected by levels of fees and what’s disclosed about buyer and seller
A 2017 study on workplace injuries spurs more research on perils of corporate short-termism
Startups lack bench strength, a disadvantage in tight labor markets
Rethinking issues around productivity, income inequality and industry concentration
Warehouse pickers perceive process to be fairer
Power companies haven’t maximized the benefits of customers agreeing to short-term electricity interruptions