Topic: Supply Chain

A city full of smog Research Brief / Stock Returns

Your Chinese Supplier Pollutes – It Dents Your Stock Price?

The market penalizes customers’ shares more than those of the polluter

Forklift in a warehouse Research Brief / Manufacturing

When Manufacturers Commence Exporting, They Become More Efficient

Looking at costs, in a sample of 5,000 plants in Chile, remarkable productivity gains occur

Astronaut performing a space walk Research Brief / Operations

When Logistics Go into Orbit

Researchers are considering the challenges of new space industries

An electric charging station filled 2ith cars Research Brief / Supply Chain

Want More Charging Stations? Spur Purchases of More EVs

Governments needn’t subsidize charging networks

Closeup of microchips Research Brief / Pricing

Volume Discount? In the Chip Industry, Don’t Count on One

Semiconductor makers’ pricing is based not just on quantities ordered but also on “capacity rationing”

Cars parked the side of a street Research Brief / Ride-Sharing Services

Uber-Like Services: Variable Driver-Company Revenue Split Improves Profit

A second lever, after “surge” pricing, adjusts the supply of drivers

Rows of gantry cranes at a harbor on a hazy day Research Brief / Supply Chain

Trump’s Tariffs Did, In Fact, Hurt U.S. Importers

Companies with Chinese suppliers suffered — those with more diversified supply chains suffered more

Close-up of a robotic hand calculating bills using calculator in office Research Brief / Technology

Technology’s Hidden Role in the Accountant Shortage

Software that saves time and money may paradoxically be resulting in a shortage of accountants

The skyline of Shenzhen, China, amid pollution. Research Brief / Supply Chain

Strict Emissions Rules in China Spur Automotive Innovations

Tough standards led to an increase in auto-related patents

A full stocked grocery store yogurt section Research Brief / Pricing

Smaller Grocery Chains Exclude Products as Negotiating Ploy

Tactic partially makes up for lesser clout with suppliers

A woman with a lantern Research Brief / Supply Chain

Shining a Light on the Development Supply Chain

Field researchers constructed a model to subsidize essential goods for low-income communities in crisis, and profit in recovery

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Feb 2021 Quiz

Quick Quiz — Easier than the GMAT

Test yourself on the Silicon Valley Syndrome, gender gap in math, minimum wage research and more

Two reshore workers standing Research Brief / Supply Chain

Politicians and Labor Love Reshoring; Investor Reaction Is Mixed

Stock prices dip around some announcements of return of jobs

Off white medicine pill capsules on a desk Research Brief / Pricing

Orphan Drugs: An Expert Pricing Panel Could Bring Benefits

The goal is continued development of new drugs and reduction of often shocking prices

A hand preparing to write on a blank paper Research Brief / Sustainability

Organic Wines Prevail in an Analysis of French Wine Ratings

Standards vary and organics capture just 4% of world market

Warehouse Research Brief / Sustainability

Once Begun, Corporate Carbon Reduction Efforts Gather Momentum

Companies are surprised: Opportunities to reduce CO2 are more plentiful than expected