Area: Economics

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Mar 2021 Quiz

Quick Quiz — No Penalty for Guessing

How investors react to volatility, the marshmallow test reconsidered and the role of gender in some career advice

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Feb 2021 Quiz

Quick Quiz — Easier than the GMAT

Test yourself on the Silicon Valley Syndrome, gender gap in math, minimum wage research and more

An overhead view of individuals walking in a single file line. The ground has been painted to look like a map of the world. Research Brief / Education

Presence of Immigrant Students Boosts Test Scores for All

Research tracking Florida siblings helps isolate the impact

Empty western town with a tumble weed rolling across the main street Research Brief / Social Capital

Populism Blossoms Where Community Connectedness Is Lower

Gauging Trump’s appeal by estimating an area’s social capital

Tom Wolf political lawn sign Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Political and Charitable Giving: One Rises, the Other Falls

In an election year, that’s bad news for organizations like the American Red Cross

Anderson Review Monthly Quiz Jul 2020 Quiz

Pencils Ready — You May Begin

The value of schmoozing, $3.4 trillion gone missing, the mystery of momentum investing, and more

Illustration of people surrounding a magnifying glass with varying dollar amounts above their heads Feature / Compensation

Pay Transparency: Will It Help or Hurt Workers?

Many assume salary transparency will benefit employees, but research suggests downsides, too

Illustration of a man water a plant while it grows Research Brief / Happiness

Patience Is a Virtue — Up to a Certain Point

The happiest people are moderately patient, not into extreme delayed gratification

A classroom with students Research Brief / Gender Gap

Parents Who Favor Boys Raise Girls Who Score Lower in Math

A clue that parents prefer a son: They have more kids when their firstborn is a girl

A farm on the prairie with one side dry Research Brief / Public Policy

Ownership Structure of Tribal Land Exacts a Multibillion-Dollar Penalty

Can’t sell it, can’t borrow against it, can’t develop it

A person sits in a wicker chair looking a white wall covered in multicolored sticky notes Research Brief / Startups

On Kickstarter, Beware of ‘Feature Fatigue’

Backers like to offer suggestions to a not-quite-finished product

Courtroom illustration Feature / Politics

Narrowing a Theory on Why Judges Get Tough before Elections

They do, but only when facing a competitive election contest

TV News anchor Research Brief / Politics

Municipal Pension Crisis Made Worse by Democrats in Close Elections

Sixty years of data suggest retirement obligations rise after Democrats scrape into office

A warped S&P 500 logo in red on a white background Research Brief / Stock Returns

More Money Into Stock Index Funds Suggests Lower Future Returns

As index fees decline, will funds draw big money away from bonds?

People with luggage Research Brief / Economy

Modern Monetary Theory: Fiasco in Latin America, Option in U.S.?

The populist model, embraced by some on the American left, resembles policy that helped torpedo some smaller economies

Research Brief / Debt

Medical Debt in Collection Estimated at $140 Billion

Poorer residents of states refusing to expand Medicaid hit hardest