Author: kmenke

Foreign pharmacy Research Brief / Retail

Quality and Price: National Pharmacy Chains Benefit Consumers in India

Independent drug stores improve to meet the competition

A man using a laptop on his kitchen table Research Brief / Investing

Puncturing the Small-Investors-are-Bad-Investors Narrative

Individuals using the Robinhood trading app appear to beat the market

A pill bottle lies on its side with white pills spilling out Research Brief / Health Care

Public Disclosure of Drug Company Gifts: High-Prescribing Physicians Unaffected

The average doctor, following sunshine laws, writes fewer Rx’s for marketed medicines

Illustration of doctors and nurses with outlines of missing people Feature / Health Care

Private Equity Boosts Nursing Home Staffing — When Compelled by Competition

But in uncompetitive markets, the financial owners cut staff

Real estate growth illustration with arrows going up. Research Question / Pricing

Pricing Algorithms Are Widely Used. Are They Legal?

A review of research comes as AI promises to turbocharge the tools and regulators allege they promote price-fixing

An overhead view of individuals walking in a single file line. The ground has been painted to look like a map of the world. Research Brief / Education

Presence of Immigrant Students Boosts Test Scores for All

Research tracking Florida siblings helps isolate the impact

A woman deposits her vote in a sealed envelope into an official voting ballot box in Washington state. Research Brief / Politics

Prediction Markets + Polls + Economic Indicators: Better Election Forecasting?

A model incorporating markets that allow betting on elections suggests a role in prognostications

A group of various pregnancy test lies on a table Research Brief / Politics

Post-Dobbs, Abortion Views Seem Unchanged — with One Exception

Bans with no exceptions for rape, incest or a mother’s health are increasingly unpopular

Coworkers sitting on the floor eating pizza Research Brief / Diversity

Positive Workplace Experiences White Employees Take for Granted Are Often Lacking for Other Groups

Workplace equality requires more than an end to discrimination

Woman in red shirt with brown paper bag on her head with an angry expression on it Research Brief / Accountable Care Organizations

Populism’s Rise in U.S. Isn’t Only About Anger

2016 vote shares for Trump and Sanders point to a mix of negative emotions

Empty western town with a tumble weed rolling across the main street Research Brief / Social Capital

Populism Blossoms Where Community Connectedness Is Lower

Gauging Trump’s appeal by estimating an area’s social capital

Two reshore workers standing Research Brief / Supply Chain

Politicians and Labor Love Reshoring; Investor Reaction Is Mixed

Stock prices dip around some announcements of return of jobs

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance business strategy investing concept. Research Brief / Investing

Political Football: Inclusion of ESG Funds in 401(k)s

In nation accustomed to litigation, availability of funds has varied by U.S. Circuit Court boundary

Tom Wolf political lawn sign Research Brief / Behavioral Economics

Political and Charitable Giving: One Rises, the Other Falls

In an election year, that’s bad news for organizations like the American Red Cross

Illustration of a man reaching for cherries on top of a pile of math symbols Feature / Productivity

Picked All the Low-Hanging Fruit? Finding Opportunity in Mathematical Models

After management does its best, new analytical approaches take effectiveness up another notch

Store shelf full of Coke, Canadian Dry, Sprite and other sodas Research Brief / Taxes

Philadelphia’s Soda Tax Is Nearly Perfect for Maximizing Revenue

It’s less successful at curbing consumption so buyers shop outside the city