In Japan, speedier commutes let workers live farther from jobs, taking some pressure off high-priced housing markets
Valentin Haddad’s research looks at the phenomenon of “information aversion,” when individual investors stop tracking their portfolios for fear of bad news
U.S. efforts to encourage transparency widely ignored by companies
Advice for researchers aims to help improve both data collection and its interpretation
“Uh, I already bought a house”: Tech workers spend ahead of actual stock sales
Well-known market anomalies are largely absent among the biggest stocks
Tradition bound, colleges face pressures to be nimbler, more opportunistic
A book examines labor’s alliance with other large shareholders to rein in corporate power
Companies might invest more in new ventures if they could see in advance how to redeploy the assets if things don’t pan out
Researchers find common warning signs in persuasion projects that went wrong
Operations management research identifies synergies for more efficient action
Improving the search for contractors that don’t use coercion
VCs and other investors need a contract with their seeker that blunts conflicts of interest
Magali Delmas proposes a “green bundle,” combining environmental good with product traits — quality, healthiness, performance, status — that have always sold
Membership in a stigmatized group doesn’t predispose acceptance of other stigmatized groups
Practitioners often ignore decades of progress in understanding what works