Websites peddle unnamed hotels and even cities; would you pay to omit one from the list?
Most sellers do one or the other, but giving shoppers both might lift sales
Reviews that explicitly talk about objective quality assessments are well received
Studying 1 million Alibaba users, Hengchen Dai mostly confirms the transactional nature of internet retailing
Thin stock trading, amid both price volatility and a period of potential economic change, leads bond investors to seek a higher yield
A predictive model employs credit default swaps across currencies
As a group, Chinese futures traders more likely to suffer margin call than to profit
Companies are surprised: Opportunities to reduce CO2 are more plentiful than expected
Backers like to offer suggestions to a not-quite-finished product
Highlighting the right data and making it relevant can help overcome resistance
A short squeeze can ripple across short sellers’ positions
Waiting until one product model runs out can be a costly mistake
Management and real estate deals to owners’ firms siphon off most profits
People across studies want to change their lives, but are more inclined to do that in the distant future
Hengchen Dai finds that hitting the reset button can help those who have recently struggled, but erodes the motivation and execution of top performers
Municipalities address increased traffic, pollution, taxi company bankruptcies and driver poverty